What a week!
I’ve been moody, busy, quiet, lazy, angry, sad, and just plain tired! And it’s not even Valentine’s week yet!!! Not to mention that I have had a sinus headache for several days and my left eye has been a bit on the twitchy side! UGH…I would say thank God it’s the weekend, but Monday morning I get to haul my ass butt out of bed at o’dark thirty to get dressed up and be at the courthouse in Dade City, a mere 10 mile north, for JURY DUTY!!!! I have never, ever had the desire to serve and the last time (only 2 times) I was called I was exempt due to being active duty military! What I would give to still be in the Navy, LOL. Hopefully I will be able to get out of it. Now, how did I realize that I received a summons?! It’s only been sitting in my house since the first of the month. Well, I put it aside with other mail stuff, placed all of it in a box, and decided mid-week I better clean it out. I was looking for what I thought was a 1099 from school so I could do my taxes. What it really was was a stupid summons to go sit on a jury. Not a happy camper about this at all.
I know, some of you might think me a wee bit petty complaining about it, but I really don’t want to do this civic duty. Not even for the measly $15.00 per day! I guess it could be worse. Read this article. Since I am only a seasonal, part-time employee and we are going into our busy week, I may be able to squeak out again. Wish me luck!!!
In stitchy news, I have updated my “Future” page to include more recent magazines. Last night, I spent some time with my nose buried in my stitchy mags making a list of the ones I want to stitch, someday, LOL. Then I went and purchased 4 more mags this evening so there will be another update later in the week (I HOPE). Tomorrow, I plan to do some kind of stitching. Just not sure what I want to work on yet.
Until next time…
Enjoy your mags.