What a week!

I’ve been moody, busy, quiet, lazy, angry, sad, and just plain tired! And it’s not even Valentine’s week yet!!! Not to mention that I have had a sinus headache for several days and my left eye has been a bit on the twitchy side! UGH…I would say thank God it’s the weekend, but Monday morning I get to haul my ass butt out of bed at o’dark thirty to get dressed up and be at the courthouse in Dade City, a mere 10 mile north, forjury duty JURY DUTY!!!! I have never, ever had the desire to serve and the last time (only 2 times) I was called I was exempt due to being active duty military! What I would give to still be in the Navy, LOL. Hopefully I will be able to get out of it. Now, how did I realize that I received a summons?! It’s only been sitting in my house since the first of the month. Well, I put it aside with other mail stuff, placed all of it in a box, and decided mid-week I better clean it out. I was looking for what I thought was a 1099 from school so I could do my taxes. What it really was was a stupid summons to go sit on a jury. Not a happy camper about this at all.

 jury duty2

I know, some of you might think me a wee bit petty complaining about it, but I really don’t want to do this civic duty. Not even for the measly $15.00 per day! I guess it could be worse. Read this article. Since I am only a seasonal, part-time employee and we are going into our busy week, I may be able to squeak out again. Wish me luck!!!


In stitchy news, I have updated my “Future” page to include more recent magazines. Last night, I spent some time with my nose buried in my stitchy mags making a list of the ones I want to stitch, someday, LOL. Then I went and purchased 4 more mags this evening so there will be another update later in the week (I HOPE). Tomorrow, I plan to do some kind of stitching. Just not sure what I want to work on yet.

Until next time…


Justflo said…
Good luck with your jury duty. Hope it doesn't last too long. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to stitch.

Enjoy your mags.

Siobhán said…
Ugh, sorry to hear about jury duty!

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