Some Crazy Updates and an upcoming Giveaway

Well, I finally found some time to work on the last 3 pieces for the Crazy Challenge (this month’s round). Here are Woodrow Wilson’s Birthplace, Week-end a Paris, and Halloween:


Monsieur Frog spent some time with me this past week as well! If you take a look at Halloween (this post and last) you will see that I had to frog and restitch. The “H” was one row off and that alone was enough to throw off all of the other letters and the designs below the word. In Paris, if you’ll notice the darkest red portions, I had to actually restitch those using that darker color. I accidentally used a lighter shade that blended right in. OOPS! Not too annoyed with it personally, but could have gotten a bit more stitched otherwise, LOL.

I decided that for the remainder of the month (the little over a week left) that I will finish a couple of the pieces that are nearing completion! I should be able to share with you a couple of finishes by the end of the weekend. Time permitting, I plan to work on one of my other WIPs.

I did make a stash purchase with my refund (thanks Uncle Sam!), although I won’t bore you with a picture (as I am sure you all have seen floss many times over, LOL), I purchased Brittercup Designs Britty Kitties I, several skeins of floss from Weeks Dye Works, Silk’N, and Valdani, Ink Circles Croakworth (which is on backorder – of course, because it’s the frog one! LOL), and a different piece of darker fabric for Medallions (also on b/o). There is one other item I purchased, but it is going into the next giveaway pile! Yup, I am getting ready to host another giveaway so stay tuned for more details!!

Dad and I spent yesterday at Silver Springs in Ocala (FL). It was nice to spend the day outdoors, but SS sure has changed in the 30 some years since I last visited. I remember there being monkeys hanging from the trees all along the river:

This time, there were NONE! Plus, 2 of the rides were closed that I wanted to go on: the Jeep Tour and the Lost River Cruise. Back when I went, all those years ago, there was only 1 river cruise – the Glass Bottom Boats – and it lasted a lot longer than 15 minutes! I did manage to get some nice pictures. BTW, the first set of pics from 1983 were taken with a Kodak Instamatic 110 camera.


Marcy said…
Darn frogs! Your crazy pieces are coming along nicely. I like your idea about hanging the snowman frame -- may have to try it myself.
Its been 40 years since I have been there! I loved it as a kid and still have great memories of that place and all the monkeys in the trees!
Siobhán said…
Nice progress! I've never heard of the place that you went to in FL but enjoyed the pics!

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