Colonial Finish
Well, I could have said “Another Crazy Finish” for the title but I opted to do something different. “ACF” seems a bit redundant at this point, LOL!
Anyway, I finished stitching Colonial Williamsburg Gardens Sampler last night and I am quite happy with it. Here are a couple of pics:
This is where I left off on Friday night when I finally stopped. I was sooo close, but getting tired and had to be to work early in the morning. With that said, as I was putting things away and taking my nighttime medication (cholesterol) I dropped my cup of tea. What I thought was going to be a before midnight bedtime turned into an after midnight bedtime. I spent about a half hour cleaning the spill on the floor (iced tea in a tumbler cup), changing out of the wet clothing I had on (most of the tea hit me or the floor), and then going through ALL of my WIPs and cleaning them or laying them to dry. Fortunately, those that were hit in the fabric were hit in areas that are not going to be visible so I didn’t have to take much preventative action right away. I will clean them with Woolite when the time comes and call it good.
This is the finished piece! I am not sure how I will finish it yet. I am thinking some kind of bell pull or banner. Of course this means my sewing skills will have to be honed a bit more on the machine. I do love the border on this one. There are only a couple of spots that I think could be different. The first is on the uppercase “M” and “N”. The instructions call for that extra “X” on the top right corners of each but if you look at the lower case, they don’t have it. I could have left it out, but went with the instructions thinking maybe it’s more authentic. I don’t know?!?!
The other area of concern, ever so slight, is in the little house. There is a grey color used in it but it blends in too much with the white. The instructions called for that particular grey, but I think maybe the next shade darker (as in the fencing to the left) would have been better. Well, it’s done now and I am not going to change anything. But this gives me something to consider whenever I stitch it again!
I did make some subtle changes in the stitching of the yellow and red flowers. I added 1 or 2 strands to give them some depth. I think it added a nice touch! (please disregard the cat hairs you may see in this picture. My cat’s hair
is flying everywhere from shedding and it’s hard to keep it off of things. I don’t let her on or near my floss/fabrics and probably should brush her more often if she’d let me, lol.)
After finishing this piece I turned my attention to Married This Day. I plan to work on it more today and then we’ll see what the week has in store.
Until next time…
I know the issue with the cat hair... I have two long-haired cats as you remember and we have cat-hair everywhere -on the floor ,on my clothes ,and yes,
on my stitchings... and even on the food!! :)
Glad you managed to sort out your spill!!