Crazy Days 4-7

First an update on my dad. He has been officially diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer, mainly because it has spread to the liver. There was only 1 tumor removed from the colon and some spots on his liver. It is not curable, as I believe almost all cancers are not, but the doctors are optimistic that it is treatable. We will begin the chemotherapy in a few weeks. They want him to heal from the surgery and build his strength up a bit through eating before the next phase. The oncologist did tell me that there is a possibility it could go into remission. We’ll know more in the coming days. For now, dad is still in the hospital trying to fart – yes, I said fart Surprised smile– so he can come home. I told him to just let it rip when he feels it and make sure the nurses hear it at the nurses station! Hey, I gotta keep his spirits up somehow. His abdominal area is still somewhat swollen and paralyzed from the surgery last Saturday. I may not post that often, as you can see, and may not comment on yours for a while but rest assured, I will be stitching and reading as much as possible.

Anyway, I am sure I will banter on this from time to time. For now, let’s get down to some stitchy business. I spent a few days working on Mabry Mill and one day on Cream for Kitty. Here are where they stand today:







I will be working on The Gardeners next.

Until next time...


Cath said…
Take care of yourself as well your Dad, he needs you to be fit and strong to help him .

I remember when my Dad was in hospital after surgery to remove part of his lungs , he took particular pleasure from farting extremely loudly (and stinky) when the bloke next door had visitors ,lol. Keep your chin up . XXX
Siobhán said…
I am sorry to hear about your dad, though it sounds like things are optimistic. Lots of prayers being said for him. I hope he is farting up a storm!! LOL (I think that goes to the top of the 'odd things I've written in a blog comment' list.)

Nice progress on your stitching!

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