Crazy Days 8-12

There are some wonderful giveaways going on right now. Do be sure to check them out through the links on my left sidebar!

I decided to switch it up a little bit and worked only on a couple of my Crazy pieces over the past few days. Last night I worked on Washington Monument and will post about that later. For now, here is what I worked on during days 8-12:


My dad was finally discharged late Tuesday morning and is happy to be home. I think his cat is happy too as she is spending a lot of time with him right now, LOL! We go to his first oncology appointment on Monday morning. Hopefully we will know more about what is going on and what to expect.

I would like to take a moment to first thank everyone for their prayers during this difficult time and second welcome all of my newest followers. I have finally broke through 100 and am so happy to have you visiting from time to time. I hope we can learn from one another through posts to come!

Until next time…


Parsley said…
You have some lovely WIPS!

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