Crazy days and updates!

Well, last week turned out to be quite a crazy one in the shop. I put in over 55 hours  in a 6-day period and the check is gonna be oh so worth it! I’ll be able to get caught up…AGAIN, lol. And maybe I will have a little left to get some darker fabric so I can finally go back to stitching on Medallions. For now, the Crazy rotation continues. I put in some work on Lincoln’s Birthplace (and unfortunately he doesn’t have a complete roof yet), Cream for Kitty, and Mabry Mill. Here are some pictures:


I hope all of the mother’s out here in blogland are enjoying their special day today! Last night, after getting off work at nearly 6:30pm, dad and I made the 45 minute trip to my Aunt and Uncle’s house to deliver flowers to her from one of my cousins. And today, we made the 30 minute trip north to my grandma’s to take her some flowers. I also got to see the newest furbabies. There are 4 white with some blackish splotches on their heads and one gray tabby. They are soooo cute! But not as cute as my Ebony – well, I will officially call him Ebenezer. I am gonna have to figure out how to get him fixed and his shots over the next couple months.

Dad’s first round of chemo went well, and he has not had too much side-effects, other than tiring easily, so far. He goes for a check up this week and start round 2 in another week.

Until next time…


Jennifer M. said…
These projects are turning out quite lovely. I look forward to seeing your next progress pics. :-)
Alisa said…
Your WIP's are looking good! Look forward to seeing the finishes!!!
DebbieSFL said…
Glad your dad is doing well.
SiobhĆ”n said…
Lovely work on your WIPs! I'm glad to hear that your dad is doing well.

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