Crazy Update and a New Book!

First the new book! I received the latest Cross-Stitch Christmas book in the mail today!! I have only browsed through it briefly and there does not seem to be many that peeked my interest to stitch, unlike the past couple of years’ books. I thought I would IMG_1272share a pic of the cover with you.

The design on the cover is one that I will probably stitch in the future. There are a few designs for cards that I will also stitch, quite possibly for this year since there is still plenty of time.

Speaking of time, we are halfway through the Crazy Challenge that began on January 1st! I joined this endeavor as an opportunity to clear out some older kits that I had lying around collecting dust. I have made a tiny dent in them and am nearing a finish on a couple pieces. Hopefully I will be able to get more work into them during the summer.

Anyway, here’s the latest progress on Week-end a Paris:


I have nearly completed l’Arc de Triomphe. As you can see, there is a LOT of gold colored floss in this monument, and it’s ALL half crosses!!! With the Palsy, it’s been difficult to see out of the right eye, BUT GOOD NEWS…I finally have movement on the right side of my face!

And speaking of Paris, my best friend is getting ready to head home to France for a short visit! I so wish I could go with her this trip, but alas I have no funds. I’m gonna miss her while she’s gone, pretty much miss her all the time, but that’s because she lives in Michigan and I live in Florida! C’est la vie!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.

Until next time…


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