If it’s not one thing…

…It’s another! Yup, on top of my dad’s cancer, I am now dealing with Bell’s Palsy! I am so not happy about it, really frustrated in fact. I take an anti-viral 5 times a day and Prednisone 3 times a day. It doesn’t bother me that I have to take the meds, they will help in time. It’s that the right side of my face is slightly paralyzed making it difficult to talk, laugh, smile, and even see a freakin’ chart to cross-stitch. I haven’t been able to concentrate to stitch and it’s really wearing me thin.

Readers and friends: this is what stress can do to a person! LOL

On a brighter note, I spent part of yesterday at a family reunion and had fun. Always a highlight in my year to visit with other members of our ever-extended family and learn some of our history from them. Like yesterdays topic was on the Civil War and our ancestors (my great-great grandfather and one of his brothers) who fought in the War. For the Confederacy of course! So if any of you Hays/Hayes’s are on here reading my blog and your family is from the Southeastern United States (Virginia’s, Carolina’s, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida) we might just be related in some way!

Today, I was over at my step-Aunt’s house visiting with her, and her son, and one of her daughters came over. She and her daughter eventually left and it was me and her son. We watched NASCAR (they’re making a left turn!) – not one of my favorite things to do – and then watched the first 2 episodes of “The Pacific”. We both have discovered we share a passion for history and so we have been swapping books and spending time together just talking Civil War and other historical stuff. He’s been a Godsend the past month and I am so happy that this part of my extended family is back in my life. I have always liked being around them – even when we were all kids chasing that darn skunk around the house, LOL! Another story for another time.


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