Washington Progress and a New Buddy

First for my new buddy! Since Sandy is still missing, I put my foot down last night with my dad and told him I was picking up a kitten from grandma’s  today. And when Sandy does decide to show up, we will be a 2 cat household! He didn’t object and asked that I get the newest black kitten instead of Ebenezer. Now for the dilemma: a NAME! My sis is coming over after work to help me with that. So, for now, I present my new little buddy:


Yeah, his eyes are still matted and he has fleas. All will be remedied soon enough! But ain’t he a cutie pie!!!


And progress on Washington Monument:


Until next time…


Denise said…
Why not name him something stitchy?

And coming right along with Washington - bravo!
Doris Sturm said…
Yes, what a cutie pie...I love kittens, well all cats, but I seldom get an actual kitten. I seem to adopt adult cats when I have a cat. Right now I can't have one, but I do feed the strays!

Your Washington Monument stitching pictures is coming along nicely!
Linda said…
What a sweetie! We had a little black one like that for 15 years before she went to kitty heaven...my boys named her Panthor after the black cat in HeMan!
Jules said…
Hmmm... Stitch does have a ring to it. I'll see what my sis comes up with and then decide.
Marcy said…
How sweet -- my first cat was a black cat and he was baaaad! but I loved him lots. How about Slick? as in oil.

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