Lost it…
My stitching mojo that is! Haven’t felt like stitching. Have tried to put some stitches into Washington Monument. Not very successful. Definitely not enough to share, lol! Anyhoo, I decided to give it up until the 1st of the month.
For now, I am just playing stupid Facebook games, watching stupid TV shows (well, except for Big Brother – It’s AWESOME! – and the only reality show I do watch), and trying to get caught up in my Janet Evanovich reading since #18 is due out in November instead of next summer, WOOO HOOOO!!
Been kinda busy at work too, covering for vacations. Lost my cool 2 Saturdays ago cause I get sick of getting screwed over on that day every single week. Yeah, I work every Saturday and while we are only open for a couple hours (830-12) it sucks having to stay late for people who can’t seem to call in their orders early enough. So, if you are one of those who waits until the last possible minute to order flowers
for your friends or loved ones, keep in mind that the drivers do get irritated having to stay late, especially on a Saturday when hours are cut in half, LOL!
Seriously though, I do enjoy my job and wouldn’t trade it for anything right now.
Oh, and can you believe that summer is almost over! Whew!!
This one sure did fly by; or am I just getting o-l-d?!

Don’t know what the name of this flower is but it sure is pretty!
Been kinda busy at work too, covering for vacations. Lost my cool 2 Saturdays ago cause I get sick of getting screwed over on that day every single week. Yeah, I work every Saturday and while we are only open for a couple hours (830-12) it sucks having to stay late for people who can’t seem to call in their orders early enough. So, if you are one of those who waits until the last possible minute to order flowers
Oh, and can you believe that summer is almost over! Whew!!
Found out it's name: gentiana!
Sometimes I think we stitchers put too much pressure on ourselves to finish a project by a deadline and it makes stitching more stressful and less relaxing.
I hope your mojo comes back soon and that work gets better. I too have been covering for a girl that has been out of the office and it sucks.
Have a good weekend!