May I present…



Yeah, it took a few days, but I finally came up with the perfect purrrr-fect name for new kitty. For those of you Disney fans out there, you may recognize it from the movie Aladdin.

Here he is getting some motherly (well, she’s not IMG_1340really his momma) love from Sandy:






I spent much of last night stitching away on Try to Relax. Here’s my progress before stitching:



And after last night:



I plan to put a little more work into it this evening as soon as this post is up!

Until next time…


Parsley said…
Sweeeeet! Love the kitties!

Love the stitchy kitty too ;-)
Leeland said…
Abu's really cute!
Do the pics there with Sandy mean that she's come back? Oh tell me she has...
Cats love being together...
HUgs, sweetie.
Jules said…
@Lili Bear: YES, Sandy finally showed back up last Tuesday morning. She was in the carport wanting in when I got home from an appointment. It took her a couple days, but she is enjoying her friend!!
Doris Sturm said…
What a lucky kitten to not only have a famous name, but two mommies that love him.

Your stitching work looks so pretty - I love watching it shape up, but my eyes would not like me doing that anymore. It will be so pretty when it's all finished!
Leeland said…
OMG, I'm so happy that she's back!!! This is making my day! I should have checked earlier but was so afraid I'd be disappointed.
The big smile on my face has just made DD ask what made me so happy.:))))
Lili Bear
Marcy said…
Abu is a good name -- glad to see Sandy came home :)

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