More Kitty Progress
I didn’t accomplish much more beyond the last update, but the face is almost complete:

I am going to try to work on Mabry Mill a little this week. Just kinda vegging out trying to decide what to do with my life. Lost my job last Friday. No biggie – was kinda tired of the b.s. going on there and being called a liar.
Dad has 4 treatments left. This week was a doozy for him. Took him to the hospital Monday morning to get him admitted for treatment. They processed him in and sent us to the surgery unit. We were confused so the admin rep verified that’s where we were to go. So, we went up to the 2nd floor surgery unit and was told he wasn’t on their list. We knew there was a mistake in admissions, lol! Soooo, dad waited there while one of the nurses waited on another person to get back to her with what to do. I went to take my Aunt to a doctor’s appointment. When I got back to the hospital, I was told by the nurse at the surgery desk he was admitted to a room. We also learned that the pharm is out of 5-FU (5-Fluorouracil). This is one of the main drugs and is a 22-hour IV bag. Needless to say, this week’s visit was cut short by a day and his cancer doc is still trying to get the drug in stock. Between Florida Hospital, the cancer doc, Moffit Cancer Ctr and another facility, I think the pharmaceutical plant that distributes this drugs is being inundated!
And, Abu has been farting ALL FRIGGIN DAY! He is a stinker!!! LOL
I am going to try to work on Mabry Mill a little this week. Just kinda vegging out trying to decide what to do with my life. Lost my job last Friday. No biggie – was kinda tired of the b.s. going on there and being called a liar.
Dad has 4 treatments left. This week was a doozy for him. Took him to the hospital Monday morning to get him admitted for treatment. They processed him in and sent us to the surgery unit. We were confused so the admin rep verified that’s where we were to go. So, we went up to the 2nd floor surgery unit and was told he wasn’t on their list. We knew there was a mistake in admissions, lol! Soooo, dad waited there while one of the nurses waited on another person to get back to her with what to do. I went to take my Aunt to a doctor’s appointment. When I got back to the hospital, I was told by the nurse at the surgery desk he was admitted to a room. We also learned that the pharm is out of 5-FU (5-Fluorouracil). This is one of the main drugs and is a 22-hour IV bag. Needless to say, this week’s visit was cut short by a day and his cancer doc is still trying to get the drug in stock. Between Florida Hospital, the cancer doc, Moffit Cancer Ctr and another facility, I think the pharmaceutical plant that distributes this drugs is being inundated!
And, Abu has been farting ALL FRIGGIN DAY! He is a stinker!!! LOL
Sounds like quite the ordeal for your dad. Hopefully they will get him everything he needs.
Too funny about your kitty!!! My boys can be like that too!! ;)
Sorry to read about the problems with your dad's treatment, this is crazy :(((.
Big huge hug to you.