Washington Monument

This National Monument has been in the news quite a bit recently. Between the earthquake and the Irene, I believe it may have seen more action than General Washington himself! Well…maybe not, but it certainly has seen it’s fair share as of late. IMG_1623


I put the final stitches into this piece yesterday. Here is a picture of my version of Washington Monument:



and a photo I took while on a visit to DC in June 2009:100_2614

I am toying with the idea of adding some iridescent metallic floss throughout the monument portion of this design to give it some shimmer. I am planning on framing it in a double frame alongside one of my PA240380favorite pictures from the October 2009 trip:



I am going to work on Woodrow Wilson this week, maybe a little bit on Week-end a Paris too. We’ll see how the week plays out.

On the first weekend of each month, a fellow blogger, Lana, and I are doing a SAL on Coming Home for the Holidays. While I am much farther along on my piece than she is, we are hoping to motivate one another on completing it. I would really like to complete it and frame it for my dad for Christmas this year.

I am also in the process of looking for a new job. I am hoping something will turn up before year’s end.

Until next time…


Teresa said…
Love your monument, it came out wonderfully.
Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches
Lana said…
Another great finish!!! wow! You sure are using your down time very wisely and getting those stitches done!! I can't wait to start our SAL this upcoming weekend!! =) Lord knows, I need the motivation!!
trillium said…
Did you chart that yourself? It's wonderful.

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