Lincoln, Fabric and giveaways!

There are several great giveaways going on right now. Check out my <--- left sidebar for links!

I have been working on the Abraham Lincoln Sampler for the past couple of days. I am a little more than halfway:


I have to admit that I was hesitant about the detail back stitches in the roof. But after doing a couple of rows I am quite pleased with the effect. I think it helps that the chart calls for 2 strands of floss. I included a close-up of the roof detail.

And my sister brought me some fabrics she had IMG_1664stashed away. Since she has moved into her own place, she has cleaned out a lot of junk. This was just a little something she set aside for me:

And the job search continues! I am determined to find something full time and hopefully before year’s end. I am also contemplating going back to school for a second Master’s degree. This time it would be an M.S. in Homeland Security or something related.

Oh, and speaking of year’s end, I received the Christmas issue of JCS the other day. There are a handful of designs that I really like, but not many. Alas, they will just have to keep until I am better able to support my habit, LOL! I will update my “Future Projects” page soon.

Until next time…



Anonymous said…
Your Lincoln Sampler looks great! Enjoy the weekend!

Robin in Virginia
Parsley said…
Good luck on the job search. It's tough out there.

Love the sampler!
Judy S. said…
You're Christmas piece is coming along much better than mine! Looks great as do your other projects. Have a good weekend.

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