Been a long day

Welcome to my newest followers!!!

I have been up since 5am EST and I am tired. I had a 2 hour drive to Orlando for orientation this morning. That was actually the most entertaining orientation I have ever been to, lol! I start at my work site on Monday morning. I am excited and still a bit intimidated. I will be working at a female prison about an hour away. The drive is not bad, really. I have never worked at a prison before, so it’s kinda scary. I know all will be well though. I am a secretary there. Yeah, I have a M.A. degree but there are just no jobs in education around here right now. Besides, this new job is a State of FL position which means benefits such as retirement!!! YAY!!!

I plan to enjoy the rest of the weekend finishing up a couple of projects. And I will throw in a couple hours for church on Sunday (or as one of my cousin’s likes to call it: sun-dee, ha) of course! Here are a couple of progress pics on Week-end a Paris:

Before detailingIMG_1792

Partial detailingPA285677

It is official! I have found another stitch I don’t care for ~ couching! UGH!!! It looks nice, but it is time consuming and confusing trying to use 2 needles at once. Maybe with time and practice I will grow to like it. For now, it’s almost up there with the dreaded French knot.

Another Blogger is hosting a new Challenge for the year 2012. This challenge coincides with the dates of the Full Moon and makes us accountable for our WIPs! I only have a handful at this point, but they are quite large. Look for my “Page” tab for the 2012 WIPocalypse coming soon. Since I only have about 4 or 5 WIPs at this time, and quite possibly into 2012, I plan to spend much of the year on smalls. I really want to do some ornaments for my nieces and nephews. I have 3 nephews, 2 nieces, 2 grand-nephews, and 3 grand-nieces. That’s a lot of ornaments. Plus, I want to stitch one for each year since their birth. That amounts to somewhere in the vicinity of 24 ornaments, LMAO! We’ll see…

I am not sure how often I will update my blog between now and the end of the year. With the start of the new job, Mon – Fri 8am to 5pm and an hour each way, I may wind up only doing a weekly post for a while. At least until I get acclimated to the hours.

Until next time…


Parsley said…
Congrats on the job! The stitching is amazing!
Mindi said…
Congratulations and good luck on the new job, I'll be entering the job search arena in a few weeks.

I really love your Weekend in Paris piece, I've never seen it until I started following your blog. Who is the designer?

I joined the 2012 WIPocaplyse just because I do have soooo many WIPS, and a lot of them BAPS.
Sharon said…
Congrats on the job! Your Paris piece is gorgeous!
Jennifer M. said…
Congratulations on your new job! I'm sure everything will be fine. Your Paris piece looks awesome. I have never done couching before but I will take your word for it that it is not fun. :)

Terri said…
Congrats on the job! I work as a secretary in an adult male prison. I'm sure you'll do fine!

Love the stitching!
Jules said…
Thanks all! My first day went well and I don't feel quite as intimidated, lol! I will post a proper update over the weekend.
Siobhán said…
Good luck with your new job! It sounds scary but I'm sure all will be well--and benefits? Fantastic. Good for you.

I joined the WIPocalypse, too. I am also hoping to do a lot of ornaments. Here's hoping! ;)

Love the WIP!

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