A New Year, A New Giveaway

For a couple of days now, I have been toying with the idea of starting off 2012 with a Giveaway! I have a few ideas in mind, but thought I would make this one extra special (seeing that I haven’t hosted a giveaway in quite some time). I won’t bore you with any mundane rules as this favorite thingswill be open to ALL of my followers! I am going to call this “A Few of My Favorite Things” Giveaway. There is a reason and it is the song of the same name, lol.

So, tell me, what are a few of your favorite things? Do you have a favorite designer? A favorite style? How about a favorite fabric or floss? I know you have a favorite candy and I am willing to bet it is chocolate, but can you be more specific??

Now, the above questions are just to get the ball rolling. I will draw the winner’s name on January 1, 2012!

Good Luck~~~


Parsley said…
Oh what fun. I'd love to enter. Let's see...I love Country Cottage and Little House as well as Lizzie Kate. I like most candy. Hot Tamales, milk choc with almonds.
Veronica said…
Hmm... I have a lot of favourites. LOL! Let's see, I like LHN, CCN, Mirabilia, Passione Ricamo, Lizzie Kate etc. How could I possible name them all? Favourite floss is Vikki's silk. Favourite candy however is not chocolate. It's Gummi Bears ^.^

Unknown said…
I'd love to enter also, I love samplers and LHN, my fav floss is silks at the moment, my fav colour is red, I love chocolate and butterscotch together, I'm a sucker for baked goodies, my fav book is Pride and Prejudice so much so I named my daughter Elizabeth lol.
Jennifer said…
Favorites, huh? Here are just a few......anything by Blackbird Designs, Lakeside Linen (especially in 40 count), silk, silk and more silk threads, 28ct petite needles, Moda quilting fabric.....

The list could just go on and on!
Terri said…
How fun! One of my favorite movies/musicals is Sound of Music!! My favorite candy is not chocolate, but SweetTarts. I love Emie Bishop, L&L, Victoria's Sampler and Mirabilia. I love working with silks and metallics. My favorite fabric is linen, specifically Belfast and New Castle.
Heather said…
How fun! I've really enjoyed reading everyone responses so far.

My favourite design is Teresa Wentzler. My favourite book is Dune by Frank Herbert and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. My favourite movie is Cleopatra (but Gone with the Wind is a close second). And, my favourite thing to do (besides stitching) is to snooze in bed, with a good book beside me.
P.J. said…
A few of my favorite.....designers are, Carriage House Samplings, Prairie Schooler, Blackbird Designs and Plum Street Samplers....and moments are when my Basset hound and kitten are snuggled up with me on the couch when I am stitching.
Ellen said…
What a fun way to start a new year! Love to join this giveaway, thank you for the chance. My favorite designers are BBD, PS, LHN, LK. I love overdyed threads and stitch mainly on linen (32ct and above).I am a coffee addict and love any dark chocolate.

Merry Christmas to you!

Mindi said…
So many favorite things! Fall is my favorite season, red my favorite color, chocolate is one of my favorite foodgroups. Hard to pick a favorite designer, but BBD and With Thy Needle & Thread would have to be up there.
What a great idea.

I love alot of things... love angels, panda's, yellow roses and porcelain dolls.

I love Lizzie Kate, Lavender & Lace, and Mirabilia.

Love blues, greens and purples.

My favorite snack is buttered popcorn w/reeces pieces.
Marcy said…
How fun! My favorite past times are stitching and doing things with my dogs. Favorite designers are many ... including BBD, Laura J Perin, LHN. Favorite color is definitely many shades of pink. Fav sweet is not chocolate but just about anything with cinnamon.
You will need to pop over to this more than two year old post to see what is some of my favorite things (just so that you know that I am not cheating, lol!!) - it really is some of my favorite things: http://godslittlepeople.blogspot.com/search?q=bright+woolen+mittens
xo and smiles
from Joan
Loretta said…
A few of my favourite things:

Favourite Designers - Little House Needleworks, Prairie Schooler, Blackbird Designs etc, etc

Favourite threads - silk, anything over dyed or hand-dyed

Favourite fabric - anything 28 or 30 ct.

Favourite colours - red, purple

Favourite chocolate - dark, anything with caramel or coconut

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