Medallions, Revisited

Well, I went to Mt. Dora over the weekend to one of my LNS’s – A Stitcher’s Dream. Part of the reason for going was to finish putting together the giveaway package for Miss Ellen! Rest assured, the package will be on the way to her this week.

Another reason for making that almost 2 hour drive north was to visit my Aunt who has been in the hospital fighting off an infection in her leg; well, partial leg. She lost part of her right leg a few years ago and recently developed an infection around the area where the prosthetic attaches to. She’s doing quite well and enjoyed a little bit of peace, I am sure!

I also made the trek north to pick up a darker fabric so that I could restart this piece:


Remember it from last year? That is where I left off in February (I keep wanting to type “fevrier”, lol, so if you see a “v” where there should be a “b” please forgive. That French is sneaking out on me. Anyhoos, here is where I am currently on Medallions:



Rosewood Manor by Karen Kluba

Stitched on 28ct Navy Lugana linen

Floss: Silk’N- Aqua Clouds, DMC- 747 (bs)

Restarted: 14 January 2012

Sad news in Central Florida today. The Senator burned and crashed to his death. Who is “The Senator” you might ask? This was The Senator:


He was a beauty to behold.

His Lady Liberty still standing tall,

saddened by her Senator’s demise.

If you want to know more about Big Tree Park in Longwood, Florida, visit this link. It’s a small park, but very interesting and beautiful.

~~~ Until next time ~~~


Penny said…
I'm glad that your aunt is doing better!
Medallions is going to be gorgeous on that fabric! That's a shame about the Senator - 3500 years old - Wow!
Nicola said…
Always sad to see a tree fall, they take so long to grow. How nice of you to drive all that way to visit your Aunt.
Ellen said…
Medallions look great on the darker fabric. Can't wait to see your progress!

Glad to know your aunt is feeling better!


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