WIPocalypse ~ January

Well, I am off to a slow start on this Challenge. I did manage to put in quite a bit more on Woodrow Wilson’s Birthplace over the New Year Weekend.


I have a little bit more to do in the grassy area on the lower right, the signature portion between the red and blue at the bottom, and I have to purchase another skein of floss to finish off the bottom center (where the white areas are).P1075841

I also started an ornament. This one is from the JCS 2009 Ornament Issue: “Hope” by Imaginating, Inc.

This afternoon, I plan to put some quality time in on Coming Home for the Holidays, or CH4TH ~ the SAL I have been working on with Lana over at A Joyful Stitcher. You should check out her blog if you haven’t already! This is where I left off last month:




Yes, the horse is still headless, but I will fix that this afternoon, lol!


~~~Until next time~~~


Brita said…
I really had to laugh at your comment about the headless horse. Wonder where it is heade to? I'm doing A Treasured Time which is in the same series from Dimension. Think I've got done about as much as you have on Coming Home so let's see who's finished first ;-)
robindefender said…
Headless horse! Ha ha. Great progress in your WIPs so far.
Alesia Matson said…
*chortling* Good to go, so far. Thanks for sharing!
Nicola said…
You have made wonderful progress on Woodrow. It's funny how we leave our pieces sometimes. I have had two bottomless men waiting for threads to arrive. The important thing is to remember to go back and stitch the missing bits in before the piece is framed.
Ziggyeor said…
Too funny. My friend was stitching soldiers and they were headless for a while too. I'm sure he'll know where he's going though.
Cathy said…
Great progress. Love Coming Home for the Holidays
Lija Broka said…
I do love the coming home one. It looks amazing ... lots of work. I have been trying to talk myself into stitching a large piece with a landscape or a house ... maybe next year after finishing all the currents. Good luck!
Penny said…
Woodrow is such a pretty piece and you are making good progress.
That's funny about the headless horse. :D
JoAnna said…
Looks like you've made some good progress already. Love the headless horse, lol!
littledebbie said…
lol @ headless horse. :)
Kristina said…
Great progress so far, love your WIPs
Jennifer Blake said…
I'm loving your WIP's especially Coming Home.
Measi said…
There's something to be said for having a headless horse. :) It's clearly wandered off somewhere!

Lovely progress on all of your pieces!

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