A Happy Dance

I finally finished another piece!


This is from an insert from one of my Cross Stitch Christmas books. I started stitching it late last year in hopes of finishing it for my niece in MI. Alas, she will not get it until the end of this year.

Not a whole lot else happening here. Dad is doing well, although he will be starting a new chemo treatment in the next week or so. Those appointments begin on Wednesday with blood work and health education. My job is going well and while I am enjoying my 3-day weekends, I am looking forward to being back on a more normal schedule. We are still waiting to find out our fate. Lots of prayers going to God to keep us open as we are the highest ranked prison in the state. In the mean time, I am keeping it real and making plans to transfer if it comes to that.

I was also finally able to send out the framed piece to my best friend and her husband. P2245946While the photo is showing a more elegant frame, this is not the frame I ultimately used (after showing my sister, I placed it on top of a book shelf and it proceeded to fall right down the backside breaking it in two – the glass was intact). Christine and Inno (pronounced Ee-no) love it and I am sure it is something they will treasure for years to come!

And finally, a fellow stitcher and I made a trade P3025948recently. While I only sent her a book called Bewitching Cross Stitch, she sent me these goodies:

I don’t know who received the better trade, lol Winking smile

~~~ Until next time ~~~


Anonymous said…

Just visitng your blog.

Lovely Christmas finish and your wedding sampler is lovely too.
Blu said…
Love the Christmas finish! I like how the snow sparkles.
Veronica said…
Very pretty finish. What a lovely gift to your best friend. The lucky couple :) Personalized gifts are the best.


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