WIPocalypse for April

Well, I am on a more normal schedule now. I still have 4 more days where I am driving for about 45 mins to and from work. I am sad that I will be leaving Hernando Correctional, but looking forward to begin my new job at Zephyrhills Correctional. For those who are asking “What is that?”, I work for the State of Florida Department of Corrections. Basically, I work in a prison, lol! I am going from working around female prisoners to male prisoners which is kinda scary, but I know some of the people at ZCI and feel safe enough!

With everything I have been dealing with over the past month, mainly the job transition, I haven’t found myself wanting to stitch much. Here are a couple of things I did work on:

P4036057Coming Home for the Holidays SAL with Joy! I filled in a little more in the center, especially around the bannister on the porch.


Ink Circles’ Breast Awareness Ribbons in shades of blue to represent Colon Cancer. I started this one and plan to finish it by Father’s Day for my dad.

The first piece is also for my dad, but it’s for Christmas (2010, LOL). Yeah, I started that monster back in January 2010 with all intention of finishing it for him that same year. Ummmm, that didn’t happen!

All in all, things are fine around here. Dad is still taking chemo for his cancer and will for the rest of his life. The new drug he gets is much stronger and makes him somewhat ill for several days, but he’s staying as strong as possible. Oh, we did trade in his van last month for this:


2006 Chevrolet Cobalt!!! We both are really enjoying it.

Finally, may you all have a Blessed Easter holiday!


He is Judged, He is Crucified, He is Risen!!!


Karen said…
Looking good! Good luck with the new-to-you car! :)
Terri said…
Hi. I am Terri and I work for the Indiana Dept. Of Correction in an adult male, maximum security prison, where I have worked for 24 years. I think you might find the males easier to get along with than the females. You couldn't pay me enough to work with females or juveniles! I am a secretary there. If you don't mind my asking, what do you do there?

Your stitching is lovely and I love the car! Congrats!
Unknown said…
Good luck on your new job! I can imagine that the transition is a bit scary. Love your pieces especially Home for the Holidays. I have that one in my to do pile. I keep saying when I retire I might have time for it all.........

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