And the winner is…



Using the random integer wizard on, I plugged in the number 1 and the number 12 (there were 12 official entries taking into consideration that I could not accept international on this giveaway due to one of the prizes). The wizard chose number 4. I will host another giveaway later this year that will be open to international followers as well. If you asked to be entered in this one, I will automatically enter you in the next one. I feel this is the best way to make it fair for all who entered.

I have contacted you via email for your snail mail info.

And in other news…

My mom sent me a bouquet of flowers for my birthday.

Please disregard the distractions in the above photos (the junk on the table, lol).

And finally, this is what 40 looks like:

P5216112 Yeah, not much different than 39, lol. Thought you could use a laugh!!!

~~~Until next time~~~


Catherine said…
Congrats to Terri and a very Happy Birthday to you!
Anonymous said…
Congrats to Terri!

Happy 40th, it's really not so bad!

Beautiful flowers from your mum.
Lija Broka said…
Nice flowers! And congratulations to the winner.
Dani - tkdchick said…
Congratulatons and happy 40th B-day!!!

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