June WIPocalypse update
Finally, I am able to post my update. I received word from Terri that she received her win from my giveaway. Here are some pics of the piece I stitched for her:
I am still slowly getting back into my stitching mood. I think doing the giveaway helped quite a bit in that effort as I have been doing more stitching over the past couple weeks than I have in a couple months.
Now for my WIPocalypse update:
First up is Coming Home for the Holidays (my SAL with Lana):
I have determined that if I can park my bum for an entire day, I might just be able to finish this piece before summer’s end. We’ll see!!
Next is [Colon] Cancer Awareness Ribbons by Ink Circles:
I am actually much further along; almost finished actually. I am not sure how I will finish it, but am leaning towards an ornament or a pillow. Also, on the four ribbons that are stitched in the variegated color, I have decided to use 3 strands for the border (solid) color. I am also leaning toward adding some backstitch around the ribbons to make them pop a little more.
That’s all the update I have for WIPocalypse at this time. I plan to finish up Cancer Awareness this afternoon/evening and pick up Medallions. I am hoping to have a couple of finishes to share with you next time!
By the way, I wanted to share with you that my dad had a bone scan this past Monday. The oncologist was checking to see if the cancer had spread into his bones or if the chemo has softened them. He’s been having pain in his right hip for quite a while. The results: Arthritis!
~~~Until next time~~~
And who would have guessed that arthritis would be good news?