My Eleven and some progress

I was recently tagged to answer 11 questions. Here are my answers to the questions presented:       
1.  What is the strangest thing you’ve ever confessed to eating for breakfast?
Bonnie:  Two fruit servings – Orange juice and Peach Schnapps.
Tracey: Shreddies along with Homemade Skor Bars.
Anita: Original Mini Wheats along with Reeces Peanut Butter Cups.
Jody: Cold, left over asparagus.
Julie: I don’t think I’ve ever had anything strange for breakfast.
2.    When shopping, what aisle do you gravitate to first?
Bonnie:  Home Décor unless distracted by Bling.
Tracey: Books and magazines.
Julie: Movies
3.    What is the most recent book you’ve read?
Tracey: 50 Shades of Grey.
Anita:  50 Shades of Grey.
Jody:   50 Shades of Grey.
Bonnie:  30 Shades of Grey – I’m not done yet.
Julie: I am currently reading “The Hidden Power of the Gospels”. Most recently finished Janet Evanovich’s book (#17 Plum series)
4.    Who is your favourite movie star dream guy/gal?
Tracey: Johnny Depp.
Anita: Richard Gere.
Jody: Robert Downey Jr.
Bonnie: Colin Firth, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Mike Delfino from Desperate Housewives, Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs; Bonnie is greedy!!
Julie: This is a toughie! Dominic Cooper was hot in “The Devil’s Double”. Orlando Bloom and David Schwimmer round out my top 3.
5.    Do you file your patterns by Designer, Alphabetically or by Category?
Bonnie:  Who files??
Tracey:  Mainly by category, unless it’s a series.
Anita:  Ditto to Tracey. 
Jody:  Ditto to Anita.
Julie: Filing? What is that??
6.    Do you stick to the pattern when stitching or change it up?
Bonnie:  I tend to change it up.
Tracey: hmmmmm 9 times out of 10, I”ll stick to the pattern.
Julie: Generally I stick with the pattern. I have made a few modifications on occasion
7.    Would you ever want to try your hand at designing?
Bonnie: Why yes of course.
Tracey: Perhaps…
Julie: Depends on the kind of designing you are talking about, LOL! I have created a couple of my own designs.
8.    Do you tend to stitch more or less in the summer months?
Bonnie:  Less.  I spend more time in the gardens.
Tracey: Definitely less!  The gardens always seem to be calling my name.
Julie: I tend to stitch more when I feel the urge. Season doesn’t equate into my mood for stitching unfortunately.
9.    Have you ever attended a stitching retreat?
Bonnie: Yes, at Brentwood on the Beach with the Stitching Sisters and soon to be at a cozy cabin in the woods.
Tracey: Ditto
Anita:  Ditto
Jody: Ditto
Julie: Nope. But sure would like to sometime. I would love to go to the one in Nashua (NH – where I lived for a few years) and to Colonial Williamsburg.
10.  If money wasn’t an issue and you had the opportunity to choose from one or the other, would you totally renovate your home and stay, or move.
Bonnie:  I would move to a one level home. (with a pool and lazy river)
Tracey: I would pick my house up and move it to the country.  Is that an option?
Bonnie:  No Tracey, that is not an option.
Julie: MOVE!
11.  Do you track the hours you spend on a stitching project?
Bonnie:  Not always, but I did for a special gift.  I tracked it as 197 hours.
Tracey:  I used to... I just don’t care anymore.  I finish when I finish.
Julie: Never. It takes away the fun of the craft for me. 

I am now supposed to ask 11 questions and tag other bloggers. Hmmmm….Let me think on this for a minute while I share with you my progress on Medallions:


I am so glad that I started this piece over on dark fabric!

Now for my eleven tags:

  1. LANA ~ A Joyful Stitcher
  2. Lisa ~ A Southern Belle Misplaced
  3. Jennifer ~ Confessions of a Serial Starter
  4. Marcy ~ Stitching Plus
  5. Denise ~ Riverside Stitching
  6. Coni ~ Spinster Stitcher
  7. Melissa ~ St. John's Stitcher
  8. Lee ~ Lake Stitcher
  9. Nataly ~ Nataly’s Needle Creations
  10. P.J. ~ Porcupine Needle
  11. Rebekah ~ The Stitching Frog

And for my questions:

I think I am going to use the same one’s that I had to answer (see above).

Have fun!!! And please, do not feel obligated to play this game, especially if you have already been tagged.

~~~Until Next Time~~~


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