Olympic Stitching, anyone?!

I am just curious how many of you are actually watching the Olympics and working on stitching projects. No, I am not taking a poll on this, but I found myself working away over the weekend on The Gardeners and almost have another page finished! I am pleased with it for sure. And I am also enjoying the Olympics. The Summer games are by far my favorite!


This is where I was last September when I last stitched on this piece.

IMG_2557 Current progress


2012 olympics3

Speaking of Olympics! I am thinking about creating a design based on this year’s logo. Nothing fancy, but I really like the logo this go around!! Does anyone know if someone has already done this yet???

My grandmother spent the week with us last week. Now, keep in mind that my dad and I live in an old single-wide trailer with 2 bedrooms and 1 completely functional bathroom (mine is partially functional in that I cannot use my bathtub whereas dad’s has a functional shower). It was a bit cramped, but we managed. She’s almost 87 years old and really needs to live with someone. Her memory is starting to show some signs of failing. She’s a sweetheart, but can be overly annoying when she wants to be. She’s on a kick now that she wants me to call her every single day. I told her that’s not gonna happen. Not that I don’t want to talk with her. I just work on my feet all day long and the last thing I want to do is sit on the phone for any length of time when I get home. I shouldn’t complain, I know. I am thankful she is still around. I just need to learn better coping skills, lol!!!

At any rate, by the end of this year, grandma should be moving in with us. Dad and I are looking to get into a bigger place. Ideally, there will be 3 beds and 3 baths, but realistically 3 beds and 2 baths.

Next weekend is SAL weekend with Joy! I am looking forward to working on Coming Home for the Holidays some more. 

~~~ Until Next Time ~~~


Jules, Summer Garden looks fantastic as it is!

Greetings from Istanbul,
Marcy said…
Your wip is looking great -- it's very pretty and you are making great progress on it.

I don't watch the olympics.
Lana said…
Yay for SAL's with Joy! Who's Joy? LOL....it's my split identity! LOL...can't wait! The hubs wants me to go see the batman movie with him this Saturday, but if we can't get a sitter, then I will have to stay home alone while the baby naps, and stitch...oh darn (sarcasm dripping here!) I love your progress here! That's funny about your grandma wanting you to call, but sweet too! Maybe you can call once a week? I do that for my parents! They really like hearing from me!

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