Coming Home for the Holidays SAL Weekend

Well, another 1st weekend has passed and I can honestly say that I sat and stitched most of the weekend away. Lana and I have been SAL-ing on Coming Home for the Holidays all year long. Her idea for this SAL was to get her back into stitching on hers. Mine was to finish it before my dad passed. Well, we all know that didn’t happen, but it will be done before Christmas!PC061301

Here is what Coming Home looked like after my first few stitches were placed:



Here is the halfway point:


Here is where I last left things:


And here is my current progress: PA076386

It’s amazing how far I have come on this piece. It feels good that I am ever drawing closer to a finish. I have found that I am running out of some of the colors (a handful at best), so I will be contacting DMC to see about getting some replacement floss.

WOW! This piece is just gorgeous! I plan to do a few more in this collection.

In the job front ~ things are looking more and more like privatization will happen. I am also in the process of looking for a different, better paying job. I had a telephone interview last Friday and am in the top 3 as I have an in-person interview tomorrow morning. I really hope the 3rd time is a charm (this makes the 3rd time in 6 years I have interviewed for this particular job).


Catherine said…
A stunning piece! Good luck on the job front!
Katy said…
Gorgeous work! And good luck on the job hunt!
Tina said…
Wow, that is gorgeous!
Manuela said…
It's so beautiful! Great Job.

Best wishes Manuela
Mii Stitch said…
It looks AMAZING, well done.
Good luck for your interview, keep us informed!!!
Anonymous said…
Wonderful stitching progress, the design is so lovely =)
Good luck with your job =)
Cath said…
Fab progress. Good luck with the job , I'll be thinking of you .XXX
Grit said…
Wonderful stitching. This design is fantastic.
Liebe Grüße Grit
Kathy A. said…
Great progress. This piece is so beautiful. Good luck with the job interview.
Maureen said…
Wow. This is just gorgeous. I hope you have it finished for Christmas. It would look so nice at that time of year.
Sally said…
Oh wow it is looking fantastic!
Lana said…
You are SO close to a finish! I will be posting my progress later today!
kymacc4stitch said…
What a wonderful piece, and you are doing such a great job! Just curious- once you have completed this pattern would you be willing to sell it?
Jules said…
kymacc4stitch - contact me through email frggygrl at aol dot com.

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