Still no Progress

What a week this has been! It started out with my stepping on a nail. No real damage done, just a twinge of pain on Monday. The week wore on and on, or so it seemed. Friday, I went to work and had to go back home to take one of my cats to the vet. Sandy is fine. Just some allergy issues. Me, however, I fell in the carport. At that point I just wanted to rewind the week and start it over without the injuries, lol. Thankfully, I have been able to rest today, somewhat.

I planned to do some stitching this week but just haven't felt motivated. Not sure why I am having so many issues this summer. I guess it's just a bunch of everything and nothing that's kept me in grief and depression. I don't want to burden you too much.

I hope you all are having stitchy-filled weekends and have an even better week!



DebbieSFL said…
Jules, do not keep your grief and depression bottle up. It isn't good for you....and this is your blog, you can write about anything you want or need to write about.
Jules said…
Thanks DebbieSFL!!
Marcy said…
I hope your luck changes soon. And I agree with Debbie, feel free to write whatever you want!

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