Update Post

Well, it's happened again! We lost another family member. I know it's part of life, but 3 before my dad has even been gone a year is a little much. Anyway, I went to the funeral service this morning for my great-uncle George. He was a very talented and Christ-filled man. I only knew him for a few years, but I grew to love him. I know he was my dad's favorite, so it's comforting to know they are together again at some fishing hole having a good time.

On the stitchy front, I have been making some progress on "Praying Hands" but haven't taken any new pics yet. Last weekend I got the carpet removed from my house, which allowed me to make some minor layout changes. Let's just say the lighting in my living room is inadequate no matter where I put the chair. LOL I'll have to take a pic sometime to give you an idea. So, as I previously stated, the stitching is coming along slowly. Hope all is right in your world!!!



Judy S. said…
So sorry to hear this, Jules! Know that you're in my thoughts. Hugs, too.
Catherine said…
Sending hugs and prayers....
Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear of your loss, I will be thinking of you.
Melissa said…
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! Many prayers and thoughts your way!

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