Ch- ch- ch- changes....

After some thought and consideration, I have decided to merge my 3 blogs into one. I have a hard enough time keeping up with 1, let alone 3 these days. I'm sure you have noticed. At the time I created 3 separate blogs, I was not working full time; leaving me with much more time on my hands. Now that I am working full time, and other life events, I just don't see the need for all 3.

This change will now provide you with insight on my hobbies more than ever. As you know, this blog has been devoted to my stitching with a little life stuff thrown in for good measure. Now, I am incorporating my shutter-bug and writing. I hope you enjoy the "new" blog as much as you did before.



P.J. said…
It will be the whole package all in one! :)

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