Praying Hands and a cut

Got a little more in on Praying Hands over the weekend. Slow progress, but steady.

I am more or less forcing myself to stitch at this point. Not because I don't want to, but because I need to spend more time on other things besides Facebook and the internet, lol! And I have soooo many projects started on the stitchy front that it's a bit overwhelming. Plus, when I pop by your blogs and see all the lovelies, I want to start more. Nope, not gonna do it, not gonna start anything else until I get 1 piece completed in my WIPs pile (Praying Hands not included).

I had one of my colleagues take this on my cell phone at work today. Yes, I got the mop chopped! I now need a hair dryer, LOL. ;)  I got tired of my old one popping the circuit breaker 7 years ago when I first moved to Florida so I tossed it. Got lots of compliments today at work! An ego booster for sure. I had a good laugh at the salon yesterday when the stylist made the first cut. The poor gal next to me about had heart failure, lol. She said "Oh my God! She cut her hair off!!". All I could do was laugh, and laugh so hard the stylist had to stop for a minute. Sure wish I had my camera out to record the reaction.



Mii Stitch said…
And you look beautiful Jules!! :) x
Anonymous said…
Praying Hands is looking great and I love your new haircut (:
Heather said…
Praying Hands is looking great. It can be hard to pull yourself away from the Internet to stitch. I try to remind myself that if I stitch or knit or write, I will have something to show for my work. But if I spent time on Facebook or Ravelry, I really won't. :/ Still, I spent too much time on the Internet.

Your hair looks wonderful! I couldn't imagine cutting mine all off. You are so brave. :)
Marcy said…
Your stitching is coming along nicely and your new 'do looks great!

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