Coming Home for the Holidays

Lana, over at A Joyful Stitcher, and I are doing a SAL on "Coming Home for the Holidays". We both have had it in our WIP pile for some time. We worked on it in 2012 as a SAL and set it aside last year, deciding to pick it up again this year. Yesterday (Saturday) was our SAL for this month. Here is my progress:

I managed to get the top roof line in and part of the tree. I only have detail work left on my piece. And it's kinda warped from being left in hoops a couple years back. No, not for a couple years, LOL! Only a month or so, but long enough to warp the fabric.

See what I mean...

Anyway, I have tomorrow off for Martin Luther King Jr Federal Holiday so I plan to spend the remainder of today and tomorrow working on "The Gardeners".

Oh, and I am looking for ideas of something small, say card size or bookmark size, to stitch for my Pastor(s) at church. Next month we are celebrating Pastor Appreciation all month long. Suggestions welcomed!

What better way to spend a rainy afternoon, eh?!


Emma/Itzy said…
Lovely project you are working on, it is going to be an impressive finish!
Catherine said…
Catching up on your last few posts ~ beautiful projects!!
Judy S. said…
I remember when you were working on this! It's so pretty. When you were doing this one, I was working on a Christmas sampler...need to dig it out and get busy.
Sharon said…
This is an amazing piece!

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