Rebuilding Faith

We are working through the book of Nehemiah at church for the next several weeks (anticipated to finish the end of February but have been "warned" it could go longer). I love the Old Testament just as much as the New so this is an exciting time for me in my spiritual growth! I have to say that our church is going through some growing pains hence the study of Nehemiah. You see, we are trying to get a new sanctuary built. Two of the 3 services are busting at the seams and the 3rd, which is the one I attend, has nearly doubled. This is good news indeed!

Nehemiah was a man, a servant to King Artaxerxes in Babylon, who was chosen by God to rebuild Jerusalem. The city laid in ruins for more than 140 years by the time he was chosen. While rebuilding the city, Nehemiah was met with challenge after challenge, but eventually Jerusalem was rebuilt. We all face challenges, especially when we are working God's vision in our lives. I for one face many challenges on a regular basis. I won't bore you with the details, but will tell you that the message yesterday was uplifting and encouraging.

The Pastor spoke of 2 challenges in particular: external opposition and internal discouragement. To overcome these challenges are best weapon is PRAYER. You see, the book of Nehemiah is not just his personal journal. It is a book written and woven in prayer. Throughout the book, one reads Nehemiah's personal prayers to God.

I remember several paintings we had in our house growing up. One of them is "Grace" by Eric Enstrom.

I loved this old painting tremendously. I think of it often. I only wish I still had it as a daily reminder. Maybe one day I will purchase a copy from the Enstrom website and hang it in my home.

I know that God is with me and Jesus is in me. 



Denise said…
You do know Mystic Stitch has Grace as a pattern?! I did it a few years ago for my son.

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