The Gardeners Progress and New Chart

Well, Hobby Lobby officially opened in our little town this weekend and I went there on Saturday. My intention was to browse around and price some things but I wound up purchasing something. Now, I didn't spend a whole lot of money as I don't really have the extra right now, but I couldn't pass up my favorite Chapter in the Bible:

I have also put quite a bit of time into "The Gardeners". Here is where I left off last night:

Lana, over at A Joyful Stitcher, and I are going to pick up our "Coming Home for the Holidays" SAL again beginning on Jan 18th. We will be stitching on it 1 Saturday each month as a way to encourage and motivate one another to finish. If you are stitching this and would like to join us, just send me a quick note (

Another thing she asked is if I would be interested in doing a Bible Study together. So, in addition to the Ladies' Group I am involved with at church and my own personal study time (i.e. reading whatever happens to strike me), I will be doing a Study with Lana. We are looking at either "Intimacy with God" by Cynthia Heald or "That I May Know Him" by Kay Arthur. I post this question to you, my readers. Would you like to join us?

Stay warm especially those of you receiving the brunt of this Polar Vortex! I know we are expected to dip down into the 20s tonight and that's pretty darn cold for Central Florida!

Go 'Noles!!!


Chris said…
owns tskdorsSo nice that you can buy DMC nearby. I love that they have lambswool linen too. Lovely stitching progress!
Anonymous said…
Valuable information and excellent design you got here! I would like to thank you for sharing your thoughts and time into the stuff you post!! Thumbs up
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