Hi all! I decided to rejoin this SAL for this year. I took a year off from the SAL as I was dealing with the range of emotions following my dad's death in 2012. I am still dealing, but at least happy to report that I am picking that needle and floss back up more frequently. This alone made me want to be held accountable for finally finishing some of my WIPs that I neglected last year.
My Page called "WIPocalypse 2014" will be published later this weekend and will have the list of projects I hope to complete this year. For now, I will share with you my progress on "The Gardeners":
This is where I left off in December 2012 |
This is where I left off as of 1.15.14 |
Next time I will have progress on this as well as "Coming Home for the Holidays" as Lana and I have decided to SAL that one again this year.