SAL and Praying Hands update

As promised, here is a picture of my progress on "Coming Home for the Holidays":

I also managed to get some time in on "Praying Hands".

I have been fighting a migraine all week, so I haven't done much stitching. I took last Monday and Tuesday off and planned to spend time stitching. C'est la vie!


Marcy said…
Both of your pieces are looking great. I love the look of the hands.
Judy S. said…
Nice work! Hope that migraine's gone by now.
Heather said…
Your pieces are looking great.

I hope your head feels better soon.
Blu said…
They both look great. I hope you feel better soon.
Annie said…
Beautiful projects! I hope you're feeling better.
Lana said…
Lookin' good SAL pal! :)
Stitching Noni said…
Great stitching! Hope the migraine has gone now! :o)

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