The Plunge!?

It may not be what you think, but I decided to take the plunge over the weekend! Well, not the literal plunge into water or even the figurative plunge into marriage. But the plunge into a new endeavor!

Please take a moment to visit my new website: Photographs by Julie.

Yes, I decided to try to make some money with my photog skills. This is something I have been going back and forth about over the past few years. I have had several people suggest I go into business for myself and make a career of it. Many of you, my faithful [and new] readers, know that my biggest passion is my photography; this in addition to cross stitch and writing. Some might even suggest, and have, that photography is one of my Gifts or Talents from God Himself.

Until yesterday, I was too scared to even try! But, through contemplation I decided it's time.

Now, I will keep my full - time job with the State of Florida because as those of you who are self-employed know it takes time to build.

Stay tuned for a couple of new links on this blog!



cucki said…
Big hugs dear friend x

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