Pending Projects

I have been asked recently if I would be willing to stitch a piece for payment. Those of you that have followed me know that I enjoy stitching and do it for pleasure. I enjoy creating keepsakes and giving them away. Now, I am at a cross roads.

The first project request is for a table runner and napkins. The color scheme will be black and white. That is, black aida fabric and white floss. The pattern is from an issue of JCS a few years ago. Remember this post! I am assuming that the table, including leaf, is around 60" in length, which means I would need at least 65" in length of black aida fabric. Special order indeed. Where would I find such a piece? LOL

The second project is much simpler. A friend of mine asked if I would stitch a handkerchief for one of her nephews for his communion. I'll know more Friday night about what she wants.

I am thrilled that someone thinks enough of my work to ask me to stitch a special piece for them. Truth be told, I probably won't charge anything beyond the cost of whatever materials I need to purchase.



Heather said…
I think it is lovely that you have been asked to stitch things for other people. But, please don't sell yourself short. It is great to do a favour, but remember that your skills are worth something.
cucki said…
Yup I am agree with silver lotus ..
Big hugs x
stitchersanon said…
I understand where you are coming from. I feel guilt everytime I sell something lol but hey, your skills are finely tuned and you are an artisan crafter: just in case you change your mind, the going rate is 1 c per stitch (or 1p). Compromise perhaps?
Judy S. said…
Interesting dilemma! I had a similar one with knitting booties recently and never figured it out. The booties have been mailed but I've not heard a peep from the person for whom they were intende, just the one who said she'd deliver them..... I have heard that 1c/stitch rate for cross stitch before though.

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