God’s Timing

God’s timing is perfect. There are reasons He makes us wait. He is trying to prepare us for all He has in store for us.

Ok, so I am impatient in many ways. I am learning to find myself again after what can only be described as the best and not quite worst 5 months of my life. I had love, or so I thought, from a great guy. At first he treated me well. Took care of our home. Prepared meals for me; including my lunches for work. No, he didn’t have a job outside the home. That was our arrangement since he needed to acclimate to the weather and I made enough to support us. I am not saying he couldn’t get a job if he wanted one. He just didn’t seem to want one; until that one offer came along. I won’t go into details.

I really love this man and thought he was the one God intended for me. I was wrong! I do believe God brought him into my life for a reason. Quite possibly to help me get out of the rut I was in since my dad passed away in 2012. I just know that my feelings are genuine and it’s been a difficult couple of weeks since he left but God does have a plan for me and my life. He has someone chosen just for me. His plan was formed before I even existed. I just have to wait on His timing!

I found this image while looking for others on God’s Timing and thought it perfect to end this post:

(Too bad we can’t use this on Facebook!)

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