
I began reading the Book of Acts a couple of weeks ago mainly because of the show “A.D.: the Bible Continues” on NBC. I realized that this show is covering the Acts of the Apostles and wanted to felt the need to read it. I guess that would be the Spirit nudging me.

Anyway, last week our church held a workshop over a couple of evenings and the presenter kept bringing up the Book of Acts. I thought that was a pretty powerful sign as well.

Sunday, the pastor ended a series with Acts 2. Hmmmmm, another sign!

I promise I am getting somewhere!

Sooo, I am now in Chapter 3 and find myself wanting to re-read what I’ve read in order to continue on into the next chapter. After discussing my struggle with the cares pastor, I find her suggestion to be more helpful: just read it through like a story the first time then go back and read it more in depth.

What I can say with some certainty is that it is in chapter 2 where we find the founding of the church. It amazes me every single day how profound that is and how much of an influence Jesus has in my life. Now, in the workshop last week, there was a question posed (one that I ask myself often): Who am I? Have you ever wondered who you are? Who you are in Christ. It’s a difficult question to answer even now.

I know that I am:

    • a daughter of God
    • a child of God
    • a woman
    • a teacher
    • a veteran
    • a friend
    • a sister
    • a daughter

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. But to really know who I am in the eyes of God, who I am in Christ, that’s going to take more thought. In life group tonight we discussed this as well. I have even more perspective: Who I am in Christ goes to not just an encounter with Him but when my knowledge of him clicked on in my heart; knowledge not just in the head.

So, who am I?


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