2015 in Review
Well, the year is coming to a close and I really haven't done much on this blog. I feel somewhat ashamed of that, but I must press forward.
2015 began on a sour note for me, personally. Spiritually, I have found that I am taking baby steps, STILL. When will I finally have total discipline to my walk with Christ? I ask for guidance, His plan for my life, on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes I feel like He's there, and others not so much. I know that I have made mistakes this year; who hasn't. I'd like to think I have learned from some of them anyway.
So here I sit with 2016 looming around the corner and the only thing I can say is I'm thankful! Yes, I am thankful for the life I have. I have come a long way over the past 12 months in my mental health. Oh, I still have up's and down's. But I am learning to handle them a little better, S.L.O.W.L.Y. I spent much of the first couple of months hiding from the world. I would go to my appointments, work, church, etc. But basically I didn't want to be bothered.
During this time, I kept asking for God to show me what He wants from me. I wasn't sure if I would ever be truly happy again. I wasn't even sure if He wanted me to be with anyone. After the way 2014 ended and 2015 began, I wasn't even sure if I wanted anyone either. So I stuck to my guns and kept my nose in the Good Book not really looking for answers. Simply reading. Reading things that X pointed out to me. Reading bits that went a little deeper into the week's message from church. Sometimes even just opening and reading whatever page appeared. Not really a reading plan, but a start.
That started to change as summer crept closer.
My job sent me to Denver, once again, for the final class I needed. It was great to be away for a few days. After my return, I turned around and went on vacation for almost 2 weeks!! I needed that getaway. While on this vacation, I visited family in Alabama and Michigan and then found myself going to the East Coast (Let's just say that sour note turned sweet again and while we have obstacles to jump over we are looking toward the future). I traveled through 17 states during an 11 day period. 3,328 miles of roadway, scenery, and adventure! I'll post pictures another time.
So what do I have to look forward to in 2016 you might ask? Well, I have God first and foremost. I have love. I have health. I have my jobs. I am planning to go back to Michigan in June to watch my niece graduate high school. I (we) am (are) also planning the biggest adventure of my life: relocating across country. More on that later.
My heart and soul seeks Jesus every single day.

So here I sit with 2016 looming around the corner and the only thing I can say is I'm thankful! Yes, I am thankful for the life I have. I have come a long way over the past 12 months in my mental health. Oh, I still have up's and down's. But I am learning to handle them a little better, S.L.O.W.L.Y. I spent much of the first couple of months hiding from the world. I would go to my appointments, work, church, etc. But basically I didn't want to be bothered.

That started to change as summer crept closer.
My job sent me to Denver, once again, for the final class I needed. It was great to be away for a few days. After my return, I turned around and went on vacation for almost 2 weeks!! I needed that getaway. While on this vacation, I visited family in Alabama and Michigan and then found myself going to the East Coast (Let's just say that sour note turned sweet again and while we have obstacles to jump over we are looking toward the future). I traveled through 17 states during an 11 day period. 3,328 miles of roadway, scenery, and adventure! I'll post pictures another time.
So what do I have to look forward to in 2016 you might ask? Well, I have God first and foremost. I have love. I have health. I have my jobs. I am planning to go back to Michigan in June to watch my niece graduate high school. I (we) am (are) also planning the biggest adventure of my life: relocating across country. More on that later.
My heart and soul seeks Jesus every single day.