Fear Leads to Life
Recently, I decided to do Bible roulette. Not the typical way I read the Bible, but I felt the need to just let God guide me this time. Anyway, after saying a prayer I opened my Bible to see what I needed to read that morning. It opened to Proverbs 19:23.
Of course, the version I read was the NIV:
But after looking at a few translations, I found the NKJV was the one I preferred. I think because of the word "evil" being used.
So, I then decided to do a quick word study and looked up the following words: fear, life, satisfaction, abide. Here's what I found:
fear (Hebrew = yir'ah) - reverence
life (Hebrew = chay) - alive
I am finding that by doing word studies the Bible begins to make better sense to me as I read it. After watching "The War Room" (for the second time), I realise that I need to be more studious in my reading of the Word. I need to read the parallel verses. I need to do word studies. I want and need to be ALIVE in Christ.
Maybe I should let Him guide me ALWAYS!
"The fear of the Lord leads to life, an he who has it will abide in satisfaction;
He will not be visited with evil." (NKJV)
Of course, the version I read was the NIV:
"The fear of the Lord leads to life; then one rests content, untouched by trouble."
But after looking at a few translations, I found the NKJV was the one I preferred. I think because of the word "evil" being used.
So, I then decided to do a quick word study and looked up the following words: fear, life, satisfaction, abide. Here's what I found:
fear (Hebrew = yir'ah) - reverence
life (Hebrew = chay) - alive
- this word gave me some difficulty as the Strong's only showed 2 occurrences in the book of Numbers. So I went a little further and found another word.
- satisfied (Hebrew = wabea (saw-bay'-ah)) - satiated
- of course I then looked up satiated (Hebrew = ravah) - make drunk; fill; soak
abide (Hebrew - lun liyn (loon leen)) - continue; dwell; endure
So from this I got the following:
He will not be visited with evil.
I am finding that by doing word studies the Bible begins to make better sense to me as I read it. After watching "The War Room" (for the second time), I realise that I need to be more studious in my reading of the Word. I need to read the parallel verses. I need to do word studies. I want and need to be ALIVE in Christ.
Maybe I should let Him guide me ALWAYS!