Praying Hands and Cleaning House

Let's start with the cleaning house bit. No, not my actual house. I recently went through the blogs that I follow list and removed several from my list. Mainly due to inactivity for more than a year. While doing this, I noticed several are no longer available and/or have no way to "Unfollow." I wonder how I can remove those from my list? Life goes on, I suppose...

I have done a bit more stitching on Praying Hands in recent weeks and have meant to share a post before now.

I'm hoping to pick up my stitching again in coming weeks. For now, I am taking things slow as I continue to deal with some health issues. Have a few more tests to do and then I'm sure there will be consults. Possibly surgery. But all I can do is put my faith in God's plan for me.


Good progress on your Praying Hands piece! Lifting you up in pray as you deal with your health issues.

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