May 8, 2019

Where has the year gone? I don't get on here nearly as much as I'd like. This year is flying by so quickly. Most days I can't decide if I'm coming or going, lol. Well, last week I was given the option to slow down for a minute. Not an option I would have chosen. Not that I don't want to slow my life down, I do. However, sometimes God intervenes and says "OK, since you won't slow down for yourself, I will give you a reason to." Yea, God, I listened. 

On April 29 I went to the local Veteran's Hospital ER with what I thought might be heart issues. While I was getting ready for work I had symptoms of what might have been a heart attack. By the time supper rolled around, I was being admitted for surgery to have my gallbladder removed. So yes, I have had to slow down a little recently. Unfortunately, this also means a serious change in my diet. I really have to limit my sugar, fat, and fried food intake. I had already been working on that when this came about. 

One week later, I am on the mend. I am ready to go back to work. 

Since I had some off time, you would think I would have done some work on one of my WIPs. Nope. When it rains it pours. I won't go into the details. I am well and that is what really matters. 

And what is going on with our Congress anyway? They are so full of ignorance anymore. 😒 Tired of the news. 


Sorry you had to have your gall bladder removed, but happy to hear that you are mending. Take care and thinking of you!

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