Here we go again...

So, Dorian is barreling toward us in the Atlantic. Am I worried? Nope. I live on the west side of Florida. By the time it reaches us, it will have been downgraded to a Tropical Storm. And, the area where I live is hilly (yes, there are HILLS in Florida), so it will break up a bit. I do expect we will have flooding, maybe some power outage, closures, and debris, but nothing like what the east coast will experience.

I could be wrong.

To give you an idea of where I live, see the 1 in the center of the state. Yep, I live right around the western edge of that symbol.

What will I do with the time off we could possibly have from work: CROSS STITCH and sleep! May as well. Lord knows we are getting tired of the same ol, same ol. Cards and Chess. Besides, I have several WIPs that I would love to work on again and possibly finish.

If for some reason I have to evacuate, well let's just not even think about that! This time, 2 years ago, we were facing Irma. And man was it ever an anxiety-filled trip for me. We wound up in Mississippi! I don't foresee that happening this time. I've been in Florida long enough to understand the storm patterns and just how quickly they can change. Oh, and did I mention the Sahara Dust layer?

Yea, this plays a big part in our tropical weather. Depending on how it shifts, this could push that storm north of us. Prayers are always welcome! And for those who are reading and live in the path of the storm: stay safe!!!


Thoughts and prayers for all in the way or may be on the outskirts of Dorian! Please be safe! Take care and thinking of you!

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