
Michael Shawn Hayes, July 2012 ©Julie Hayes

I think I'm like my dad. I like to dream about things. I like to think about things I want to do, places I want to go, people I'd like to meet. I dream big sometimes. I was looking through my Facebook this past week. You know, the stuff that I like: movies, books, people, etc. Revising it. Removing things. Cleaning it up a bit. I came across a few Notes that I posted several years ago. My Bucket List being one. I thought I'd "freshen it up" a bit and post it here. I have posted the original first with the refreshed version following.

Bucket List (July 30, 2013)
Cruise Caribbean
Travel across Canada
Earn Doctorate of Philosophy in History
Publish a book
Publish in another academic journal
Marry again - FOR KEEPS
Buy a home
Lose 100 lbs
Spend a couple weeks in the Florida Keys
Spend a couple weeks exploring the Rockies

Just a start...

Bucket List Refreshed (April 19, 2020)

Places I’d like to travel
·         Europe
·         Russia
·         Iraq
·         Israel
·         Morocco
·         Egypt (maybe)
·         Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota (to finish the states)
·         Explore the Rockies
·         Visit the Grand Canyon

Things I’d like to accomplish
·         Buy a home
·         Lose more weight (goal weight is 140 lbs)
·         Marry again - FOR KEEPS
·         Earn Doctorate of Philosophy
·         Publish a book
·         Publish in another academic journal

People I’d love to meet
·         Costa Ronin (of course, lol)
·         Damian Lewis
·         Natalie Portman
·         my grandfather (I was 7 months when he passed)
·         President Bush (W)
·         Queen Elizabeth
·         Andrew Ridgeley

Yea, I'm a dreamer like my dad alright!
Me and Dad taken at Skyline Chili in Clearwater, FL by Karen Hodan Mainous


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