Life, Crushes, and other anomalies

Life has been crazy the last few weeks. I am in my 4th week of working from home; both jobs. I'm not enjoying it for my full time job because I enjoy interacting with my veterans. It's so much easier to coach them in their job search in person. I'm feeling indifferent about online teaching. I really miss my students and it hit me hard last night.

Summer term starts on my birthday this year, which is fine. However, all classes will be online for the summer. Plus side, I have freedom in creating my assignment schedule. I guess I'll be using Zoom a bit more this year. 🤔

Crushes come and go, but I am going to be 48 years old next month. I really should have outgrown celebrity crushes by now. Alas, I have not. Binge watching Homeland, I have developed a crush on two different actors from the show: the man who played Brody (now on Billions) and the man who plays Yevgeny. I'm done! I don't care that he's really Russian. I don't care if he's younger than me. He's freaking hot! 🥰🥰🥰
If I ever had the opportunity to meet Costa Ronin...omg...I would forever be grateful. 😊

Other anomalies? Homeland is coming to an end on April 26th. My free Showtime comes to an end on April 19th, which means I have to subscribe to see the series finale a week later. 🙀 You better believe I'm going to do it! 


Kaisievic said…
He is pretty cute, even if he plays a Russain villain!
Life sure is different and somewhat interesting these days. Some of my teacher friends are struggling with this online learning as they miss the personal connections with their students.
Jules said…
Yea. He's actually from Russia but grew up in New Zealand and Australia from what I've read.
Jules said…
It is difficult not being in the classroom, especially when some students don't engage well online.

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