My Crazy Cat... this crazy world

My cat desperately tries to get into my room and away from my friend who lives with me. No, he doesn't hurt her or anything. He's actually very loving toward her. He also happens to be a big guy. I think that kind of scares her sometimes. Or maybe she's just playing a game. Whatever the case, she's driving me crazy. Cra-cra? Is that the term kids are still using these days? Love my Sandy to bits. I do hope she's not too overly traumatized when I can finally go back to my office...whenever that may be.

Speaking of...

The world has gone completely mad! Yes, I said it. And I am sure many of you have as well. Or at least thought it. This virus going around is so very bad. So very contagious. People think they're invincible. Especially the young because we are being told by the media that they don't seem to have the severe symptoms of this virus. What many don't understand is the nature of this virus. Even the medical professionals don't quite understand it yet.

Look, we have stay-at-home orders in place. We have restricted movements happening. We have people furloughed, losing jobs, working from home, and so on. I am working two jobs from home, and it's hard. One job is as a job coach, believe it or not! It's disheartening to see the numbers of unemployed go so high, even though most are for a short time because they have been assured they have jobs to go back to. I just saw on the news as I sat to write this that the unemployment claims nationwide reached 10 million.

10 million! 🤯

Even during the Great Depression, there were 15 million unemployed at it's peak and we aren't even at the peak of this pandemic yet.

I'll leave you with this from Psalm 57:1

Psalm 57:1 | Scripture verses, Psalms, Knowing god


This is a crazy time we are living in. I hope you have settled into a work from home routine and that Sandy is making her adjustments as well. Be well and stay!
Jules said…
We have. Thank you. Stay well

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