My Person or Me?

From time to time I think about my life. I look back on decisions I made. I look back on people I chose to have in my life and wonder why. What drew me to that person? They don't really fit the ideal of "my person," but who is "my person" anyway? So, I came up with a list of characteristics that I would like in "my person:"
(May 23, 2013; Updated April 20, 2020)
Best Friend
Well groomed (maybe a bit selfish on this one)
Committed - wants life long marriage
Takes my needs into consideration as I would his
Not a player
Not controlling
Not possessive
Able to hold a conversation on any topic
Not jealous
Doesn't anger easily
Loves me as I am as I would him
Makes me laugh out loud
Will just allow me to be in his arms while he reads to me
Holds my hand in private and in public
Doesn't reject my feelings or emotions; allows me to have them
Allows me space to breathe when I am upset as I would him
Willing to just get up and go anywhere on a moments notice - no plan

I don't really think it's asking too much. I've been through a lot in my life. And as I continue to work on me and try to improve myself to be the person I would want for me, I continue to reflect on the qualities I don't want to be around that have either discouraged me, harmed me, or were just plain apathetic towards me in the past.

GO YE! “WITH GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.” |So why do I bring this up? I find myself crushing hard on men that simply are not the right men for me. No, not at this moment in time. But in the past. Someone once told me that I tend to move too quickly and once I set my mind on someone I obsess. Maybe I do. Maybe I get clingy. Maybe it's one more thing I need to work on and rid from myself to be a better version of me. Ok, so last night I was listening to someone speak during an interview and he said some things to the interviewer that just clicked (and if he ever reads this he will know who he is). And so here is this post. And hopefully, with God's help and grace, I can become the person I want to be, for me and find "my person." The husband He has chosen for me.

And yea, I do kinda have that celebrity crush still, lol. But this post is by no means about him. Just my thoughts again. 


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