Pray for America...Pray for George Floyd's Family

The title can be deceptive. Maybe.

I get, y'all. I understand that people are angry that another black man was killed by yet another white police officer here in America. I understand people want to protest for justice to be served. I get it! I really and truly do. But...

When a group of degenerates (not those protesting, bit those who want to destroy) enter the picture, things turn ugly...QUICKLY! 
We have had days of riots and looting across this country since the unnecessary death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Buildings, homes, businesses, police stations, vehicles, police cars have been burned. Degenerates are making it a point to be disrespectful in front of news crews by throwing the bird, being confrontational, and so on. LEADERS in their own communities are standing up and telling them to "go home" and to stop behaving like the lunatics they are. 
If Martin Luther King Jr. were alive today he would be extremely displeased and disappointed in what has become, no devolved of his civil rights movement. I'll even bet Bill Cosby is shaking his fists at the tv while sitting in jail in disbelief as I recall him saying once upon a time that these same low-lifes need to stop blaming others for their situation and pull themselves up to the opportunities they are given in this country. THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES HIS GENERATION FOUGHT SO HARD FOR!


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