Slippery Slope

Right now, and really for the past several weeks, our country has been on a slippery slope. This pandemic required us to go into a lockdown mode restricting us pretty much to our homes. Many businesses closed, some permanently at this point. Restaurants went to drive-up or curbside only; some even started offering delivery. 

But this is America! We have basic feeedoms guaranteed to us in our Constitution. Herein lies the slippery slope.
Our President made a decision early-on to restrict travel abroad to limit the spread. He discussed with the state governors how they will proceed in stopping the spread in their states (Amendment 10). He put together a task force to follow the spread closely and keep us informed; a couple of those individuals do not have our best interests in mind, but I leave that to you to decide.

State governors are now exercising their authority in slowly opening up their state and therefore economies. Well, there are a few who are being rather harsh and acting like demigods in that the more their constituents protest (Amendment 1), the more restrictions they put in place. I won't mention any states in particular (Michigan). 

Then there's those certain individuals in Congress who just don't care about anyone in this country but themselves. Again, I won't mention any names (Pelosi). They think they have all the power and hold the country hostage to get their whims accomplished (money for slush, vote by mail only this fall). Well, in a way they have been given all power because their constituents KEEP VOTING THEM IN.
I think citizens of our country need a wake-up call and have thought this for years. I hope what we are going through now IS that wake-up call. I pray that certain members are voted out this fall so this slippery slope won't seem so slippery. 


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