Trying Times

We've been dealing with trying times the past few months. All of us, all over the world. Many of us, most of us have found ourselves stuck in our homes, climbing the walls, clambering to get outside and do something. Well, here in the States, we are finally able to get out and do activities, in a limited scope, but still. Me, I am still kind of stuck in the house. Why? Because I am considered a health risk. I am obese by medical standards. I am healthy in that I don't have heart disease or diabetes or anything like that. I just weigh more than I should.

Why do I write this? I want to go to church. Actually get up and go to the physical building. I want to go back to my office to work. I want to go to a mall (I can't stand malls) and just walk around.

I also have a friend living with me who does have health conditions that if I were to get ill from this virus and expose him to it, he could get seriously I'll so out of respect for him I stay in most of the time. I go to the grocery store and that's about it.

It's getting so very old!

On the bright side, the summer term has started and my classes are full! That makes me happy. I have two new groups of students eager to learn American History. 😀


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